Equity and Inclusion

I care deeply about improving equity and inclusion in astronomy and physics, and am involved in a number of projects in my department and around the university. Please reach out to me if you’d like to chat about any of these, if you have any ideas for improvements or changes we could be making to these programs, or if you would like to collaborate on any initiatives!

Princeton Astrophysics Departmental Climate Committee

As a graduate student representative on the Astrophysics department climate committee, I helped develop, administer and report on the results of a biennial department-wide climate survey. I also spearheaded initiatives to respond to the issues raised by the survey, including developing a code of conduct, working with the graduate admissions committee to make the process more equitable, leading a working group to reconsider iconography in the department, establishing affinity groups, and mentoring undergraduate and incoming graduate students.

Women in STEM Leadership Council

The Women in STEM Leadership Council is comprised of representatives from various STEM departments at Princeton and works with the Graduate School Access, Diversity and Inclusion team to advocate for and implement changes to create improved support systems for a diverse student body. As a member and former president of the group, I have led initiatives to improve equity in the graduate admissions and faculty hiring processes, to increase awareness of reporting resources for graduate students, and to provide better protections for students in harmful advising relationships.

Graduate Scholars Program

I have been a peer mentor for groups of first-year graduate students from diverse backgrounds. In this role, I have helped support them through the transition to graduate school and connect them to helpful resources on campus, in addition to organizing community-building events.

Caltech Title IX

As an undergrad at Caltech, I was very involved in efforts related to sexual assault prevention and improved support systems for survivors of sexual assault. As the chair of the undergraduate Title IX Advisory Board, I helped write policies that were more inclusive of transgender and gender non-conforming students, established partnerships with organizations like Peace Over Violence, and started programs to familiarize students with the Title IX office and reduce the barrier to reporting. I also helped found the Title IX Advocate Program, through which students receive training on how to better support their peers who have experienced Title IX violations.

Caltech Women in Physics, Math and Astronomy

I helped found the Women in Physics, Math and Astronomy organization at Caltech. As a member of the organizing committee, I planned professional development workshops, journal clubs on social justice issues, and mentoring/networking events.