You can download a PDF copy of my full CV here. A short summary is below.
- Deputy Director of Public Policy, American Astronomical Society, 2024-
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Space Security and Sustainability, Outer Space Institute and University of British Columbia, 2024
- Fulbright Research Scholar, Leiden University, 2018-19
- B.S. in Astrophysics and History, Caltech, 2018
- M.A. in Astrophysics, Princeton University, 2021
- Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Certificate in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy, Princeton University, 2024
Lead Author Publications
- Dalal, R., National Security Interests in Relation to Dark and Quiet Skies (Proceedings of IAU Symposium 385, in press)
- Ding, J., Dalal, R., et al. Miscentering of Optical Galaxy Clusters Based on Sunyaev-Zeldovich Counterparts (in collaboration review)
- Dalal, R., Li, X., Nicola, A., Zuntz, J. et al., Hyper Suprime-Cam Year 3 Results: Cosmology from Cosmic Shear Power Spectra, PRD 108, 123519 (2023)
- Li, X., Zhang, T., Sugiyama, S., Dalal, R. et al., Hyper Suprime-Cam Year 3 Results: Cosmology from Cosmic Shear Two-point Correlation Functions, PRD 108, 123518 (2023)
- Pobre, S., Dalal, R., Strauss, M., Lin, Y-T., Are Brightest Cluster Galaxies Special?, RNAAS 19 (2023) 7 (primary advisor)
- Zhang, T., Li, X., Dalal, R., et al., A General Framework for Removing Point Spread Function Systematics in Cosmological Weak Lensing Analysis, (2023, accepted by MNRAS)
- Rau, M. M., Dalal, R., Zhang, T., Li, X., et al., Weak Lensing Tomographic Redshift Distribution Inference for the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program three-year shape catalogue, (2023, accepted by MNRAS)
- Martinelli, M., Dalal, R., Majidi, F., Akrami, Y., et al., Ultralarge-scale approximations and galaxy clustering: Debiasing constraints on cosmological parameters, MNRAS 510 (2022) 1964
- Dalal, R., Strauss, M. A., Sunayama, T., Oguri, M., et al., Brightest cluster galaxies are statistically special from z=0.3 to z=1 MNRAS 507 (2021) 4016
- Spring 2023: SPI353 - Science and Global Security, Guest Lecturer (Princeton)
- Fall 2021: AST255 - Life in the Universe, Assistant in Instruction (Princeton)
- Spring 2021: AST204 - Topics in Modern Astronomy, Assistant in Instruction (Princeton)
- Spring 2017, 2018: Ay1 - The Evolving Universe, Teaching Assistant (Caltech)
- Winter 2018: Ph2b - Quantum Mechanics, Teaching Assistant (Caltech)
- Jupiter Ding, Miscentering of HSC CAMIRA clusters based on ACT SZ counterparts, Undergraduate Summer Research Program and Junior Paper (2022)
- Savannah Pobre, Understanding tests of BCG specialness, Undergraduate Summer Research Program and Junior Paper (2021)