
I am a final-year graduate student in the Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University, where I work in the fields of both cosmology and science policy. On the cosmology front, I work on constraining dark matter and dark energy from large surveys of galaxies, using both weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering. I recently led the cosmic shear power spectrum analysis for the Year 3 data release of the Hyper-Suprime Cam survey. I am now focused on improving our models of baryonic feedback, so that we can make better use of the data we have measured, without needing to throw out small scale measurements due to modeling uncertainties.

In terms of science policy, I am deeply interested in space policy and questions related to the sustainable use of outer space. I am studying the effects of space debris on nuclear strategic stability, particularly the potential for small pieces of debris to have undetectable but debilitating impacts with nuclear command, control, and communications satellites. I am also working with the Science and Global Security Program at Princeton as a Next-Generation Fellow of the Physicists’ Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction to develop technical standards for an anti-satellite weapons testing ban and model debris production from ballistic missile defense testing. As a member of the AAS Committee for the Protection of Astronomy and the Space Environment and the IAU CPS, I have been studying policy pathways for the protection of the night sky from light pollution from the growing number of satellites in Low Earth Orbit.